- Calculation of Grade Points
- Grades for Repeated Courses
- Grade Reporting
- Course Grade Complaints
- Official Transcript Requests
- Grade-Point Value
- Academic Probation
Calculation of Grade Points
Grade points earned are calculated by multiplying the semesterhour value of a course attempted at Alvin Community College bythe grade point value of the grade received in the course for gradesof A, B, C, D, F or FX. The grades of AU, I, IP, S, W and WE, have no pointvalue and are not included in any grade point calculation. (See chart on following page.)
Example: A three semester credit hour course with a grade of “A”produces 12 grade points. For more details, a GPA calculator isprovided on the college website.
Cumulative Grade Point Averages are computed by dividing thetotal grade points earned by the total semester hours for all coursesattempted at Alvin Community College including developmentalcourses. However, if a course is repeated, only the highest grade isused in calculating the cumulative grade point average. CumulativeGPA’s are not rounded up.
Semester Grade Point Averages are computed by dividing thetotal semester grade points earned by the total semester hours inall courses attempted at Alvin Community College for the semester,including developmental courses. Semester GPA’s are not roundedup.
Grades for Repeated Courses
If a student repeats a course in which a grade (A-FX) has beenreceived, the highest grade received is the permanent grade forthe course and is used in computing the cumulative grade pointaverage. However, all grades earned in a given course are enteredon the transcript. Other colleges may compute the grade pointaverage in a manner different from that of Alvin Community College.
Grade Reporting
Grades are assigned by instructors and may be based on severalfactors such as class and/or laboratory performance, test scores,departmental academic requirements, and attendance. Grades areavailable to students by the following means:
- In-person request of an official transcript (fee)- WelcomeCenter
- The POD for an unofficial transcript (current students)
Course Grade Complaints
A student shall have one year from the date a grade is assigned tosubmit a grade appeal. Consideration of a grade appeal will onlyoccur if there is evidence of the following:
- Deviation from the syllabus or Board policy;
- Grade calculation errors;
- Disparate treatment of a student other than those addressed byTitle IX processes; or
- Inappropriate grade penalty for academic dishonesty.
A student shall not be permitted to submit a grade appeal becauseof general dissatisfaction with the grade, when a penalty hasbeen assigned to the grade, or due to the outcome of a course asa result of a grade. In addition, disagreement with the instructor’sprofessional judgment of the quality of the student’s work andperformance shall not be permitted as the basis for a grade appeal.Click Student Complaints at the bottom of any ACC webpage formore information.
Official Transcript Requests
There are two methods by which students may request officialtranscript ($7.50 per request):
- The POD (for currently enrolled students)
- ACC Website (for former students)
- In person at the Welcome Center. Transcripts provided directlyto the student will be marked “Issued to Student,” and may notbe accepted as official by other institutions.
Payment is accepted by credit/debit card. The options for an officialtranscript delivery arethrough Parchment (secure PDF or paper). Follow theinstructions located in The POD.
Transcript requests will be serviced as long as all incomingtranscripts have been received at ACC, financial obligations to theCollege have been met and any student record restrictions (holds)have ended.
Grade-Point Value
Grade | Description | Points Per Semester Credit Hour |
A | Excellent | 4.00 |
B | Good | 3.00 |
C | Average | 2.00 |
D | Poor | 1.00 |
F | Failure | 0.00 |
FX | Failure from non-attendance | 0.00 |
AU | Audit | Grade points are not assigned. |
I* | Incomplete | Grade points are not assigned. |
IP | In Progress: Temporary notation that appears on a student’s official transcript. Itindicates semester hours in progress. | Grade points are not assigned. |
S | Satisfactory: The S grade is used for ORNT-0100and PLA credit. | Grade points are not assigned. |
U | Unsatisfactory: The U grade is used for ORNT-0100and PLA credit. | Grade points are not assigned. |
P/NP** | Pass/No Pass | Grade points are not assigned. |
R | Re-enroll: The R grade is only used in specific RNSG courses. | Grade points are not assigned. |
W | Withdrawn: Students who file withdrawal requests by the published deadlinewill receive a W grade. Instructors may not issue a W as the final grade. | Grade points are not assigned. |
WE | Withdrawn with Exception: Students who file withdrawal requests by thepublished deadline with the Vice President of Student Services and have alegitimate exception will receive a WE grade. Instructors may not issue a WE asthe final grade. | Grade points are not assigned. |
*An I grade may be extended by the course instructor for one additional semester only when circ*mstances beyond the control of the student suchas catastrophic illness or family emergency, warrant such an exception. Documentation of such circ*mstances is required. The decision of the courseinstructor is final. An I grade will convert to an F if a valid grade change is not submitted by the grade deadline of the subsequent semester.
Grade Range
As a general guide, the following letter grades are assigned for percentage grades:
- A 90-100
- B 80-89
- C 70-79
- D 60-69
- F Less than 60
Exceptions to this grading system may exist for certain programs and are published in the course syllabus.
** During the Spring 2020 semester, a rapid transition from face-to-face classes to remote online learning occurred as a result of the COVID-19 healthpandemic. In response, ACC implemented an interim grading procedure for the 16-week, 12-week, second 8-week, and 3-week May mini terms. TheCollege’s published letter grade process wasmaintained and reported at the end of the designated semester terms. Following review of the finalcourse grade, a student could choose whether to maintain the letter grade or request a Pass (P) or No Pass (NP) grade for the course.
With the P/NP interim grading procedure, Pass (P) was assigned to a course grade with a C or higher. A No Pass (NP) was not considered passing if thegrade was a D or F. The P/NP grades were not included in a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation and the student transcript noted Passor No Pass grades were due to the COVID-19pandemic. Again, this grading option was only in effect for the 16-week, 12-week, second 8-week, and3-week May Mini term of Spring 2020.
The use of this interim grading procedure may be considered again if a catastrophic event, such as a health pandemic or devastating hurricane, occurs.
Academic Probation
Students are placed on academic probation when they fail tomaintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average (GPA) on allcoursework including developmental education. The probationstands until the cumulative GPA is raised to 2.0 or higher. Themaximum course load for students on academic probation is 13credit hours.
Students who do not make satisfactory progress in the followingprograms will be subject to removal from the program:
- Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography-Adult Echocardiology
- Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography-Vascular Sonography
- Emergency Medical Services
- Health Information Management
- Law Enforcement Academy
- Neurodiagnostics
- Nursing
- Nursing-Transition
- Pharmacy Technician
- Polysomnography
- Respiratory Care
- Vocational Nursing