How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (2024)

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ByAnjaPublishedUpdated on

Learn how to convert any recipe to sourdough. You will love the added health benefits and complex flavors of all your favorite recipes.

Do you have some favorite recipes that you would like to convert to sourdough?

There are a lot of good reasons why you might like to do so. Once you follow a few principles and conversions, it actually isn’t complicated at all.

I am walking you through the steps and considerations to adapt any recipe to sourdough.

Why Sourdough?

You may be wondering why it’s worth converting any recipe to a sourdough recipe:

  • you get the health benefits of sourdough
  • you are not using commercial yeast
  • it’s cheaper and more sustainable than purchasing yeast
  • it pre-digests glutens which is good news for anyone with gluten sensitivity
  • the baked goods have better and more complex flavors
  • sourdough keeps bread fresh longer (made a video about that
  • using sourdough connects you more to the dough (some think it’s a challenge) about the effects of temperature, time, and hydration levels

How to get started

Following these steps may help you to get started:

  • Understand the type of recipe: is it yeast or baking powder/baking soda?
  • Define your goals: are you looking to get the full health benefits of sourdough or just the flavor? This will make a difference for non-yeast recipes. Yeast recipes need longer fermentation time anyway therefore you will automatically get the benefits of a long fermentation. In order to get the sourdough flavor, your sourdough discard is perfect for quick breads and pancakes.
  • Write out your recipe with the ingredients: This helps keep track of the ingredients. It also makes the math easier (I made a printable cheat sheet and conversion chart just for you).
  • Obviously, you will need an active sourdough starter. You can check out my simple method to make a sourdough starter without discard.
How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (1)

How to convert yeast recipes:

Making a sourdough version of your yeasted recipes is pretty straightforward. You see, a sourdough culture contains natural yeast already.

  1. Simply replace 1 pkg / 7g of yeast with 1 cup / 100 g of sourdough starter.
  2. Reduce flour by about ½ cup / 50 g and liquid by about ½ cup/ 50 g.
  3. Double the fermentation/rise time – possibly longer.

Note: This conversion assumes that your own sourdough starter is at about 100% hydration level, meaning it is half flour and half water in weight. You may have to adjust the amount of flour or extra water as necessary.

Example recipe:

Yeast recipeSourdough bread recipe
600 grams of flour or 5 cups550 g or 4 ½ cups of flour
11 grams of sugar or 1 TBSPnot necessary
7 grams of yeast or 1 pkg or 2 ¼ tsp yeast1 cup of sourdough starter
15 grams of salt or 2 1/2 tspsame
380 grams of water or 1 2/3 cups330g or 1 ¼ cup of water
Bulk fermentation: 2 hours4+ hours
Second rise: 1 hour2+ hours
  • Since commercial yeast is more active and reliable than a sourdough starter, I recommend you use warm water for your recipe. Also, make sure you have a very active sourdough starter. If you are fermenting your dough at room temperature, be sure to allow for at least twice the rising time.
  • For best results, let the dough rise in a warm place. The second rise should go faster. You can also follow my tips on how to affect the sourness of your loaf of bread.
How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (2)

Here you can see how I converted my German soft pretzels into true sourdough pretzels

How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (3)

How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (4)

How to convert quick bread/cake recipes:

This conversion is a bit more complicated, as sourdough does not have the same leavening power as these chemical agents. Generally, you’ll need to use a combination of sourdough starter and an additional leavening agent to achieve the desired rise. Experiment with ratios based on the specific recipe, but a good starting point is to use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of baking powder/baking soda along with 1 cup (240 ml) of sourdough starter.

  1. Determine if you’re going after the sour taste or if you are looking for a properly fermented recipe.
  2. If you’d like to have the sourdough taste, combine all the ingredients and bake according to the recipe.
  3. For a properly fermented quick bread, combine flour, liquid, and fat (if using) and let ferment for 4-8 hours.
  4. Add the remaining ingredients and leavening agents (baking powder or baking soda).

Example recipe:

Irish Soda breadSourdough Irish Soda Bread
none1 cup sourdough starter
4 TBSP buttersame
1 ¼ cups buttermilk¾ cups buttermilk
3 ½ cups flour3 cups flour
1 tsp baking sodasame
1 ½ tsp sea saltsame


  • For a longer fermentation, only mix the five ingredients and let the dough rest in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours. Then add the baking soda and salt right before baking. That way you get the maximum impact from the baking soda.
How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (5)

For pancakes, waffles, crepes:

Converting a pancake, waffle, or crepes recipe follows the same principles as for quick breads:

  1. Determine if you’re going after the flavor or if you are looking for a properly fermented recipe.
  2. If you’d like to have the sourdough taste, combine all the ingredients and bake according to the recipe.
  3. For properly fermented pancakes, combine flour, liquid, and fat (if using) and let ferment overnight.
  4. The next day, add the rest of the ingredients and leavening agents (baking powder or baking soda).

Check out this delicious sourdough waffle recipe.


  • This is also a good use for your sourdough discard – which has already been properly fermented.
  • You can simply add eggs, sweetener, and some baking powder to your sourdough discard to make simple sourdough pancakes.

More Tips for Converting Any Recipe to Sourdough:

Experiment and adapt: Converting recipes to sourdough often requires experimentation and adjustment. It helps to keep notes of your conversions, including the amounts of ingredients used and the fermentation times. This way you can refine your process and achieve better results over time.

Remember that converting any recipe to sourdough is not an exact science, and the results can vary depending on many factors. The more you practice and gain experience with sourdough baking, the better you’ll become at adapting recipes to fit your sourdough starter’s characteristics.

I have converted a regular English muffin recipe to sourdough English muffins without having to tweak the recipe much.

Get your FREE conversion chart and cheat sheet here

How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (6)


Does it matter if I use whole wheat flour or all-purpose flour in my recipes?

I recommend sticking to the original recipe. Whole grain flour can contribute to a more active fermentation process, leading to faster rising times. With sourdough, the additional nutrients in whole wheat flour can help feed the wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria. As a result, you get a more robust fermentation and deeper flavor development.

How much longer does sourdough take versus yeasted breads?

Since commercial yeast is much more reliable, I recommend adding at least double the time, probably more. Also, sourdough reacts much more to variables such as your own sourdough starter, temperature, and humidity. Therefore, I recommend watching your dough more closely and allow more ample time to let the dough ferment.

Can I use sourdough and yeast in my bread recipe?

Yes, absolutely. Many sourdough purists will say that it is not a true sourdough bread if you add commercial yeast. However, I have a popular sourdough bread recipe that calls for a small amount of yeast. You still get the benefits of sourdough with guaranteed success.

Can I convert sweet bread recipes or cake recipes to sourdough?

Some people say that because of the amount of sugar, cake recipes are not well-suited for a longer fermentation. I have not personally experimented with this but will do so soon. So stay tuned!

Does this conversion also work for other flours such as einkorn or gluten-free flours?

Different doughs such as gluten-free or einkorn have lower levels or gluten and will behave differently than wheat-based recipes. You might have to experiment and make small adjustments over time to create your new favorite bread recipe.

What is the difference between a quick sourdough bread and a long-fermented (or properly fermented) sourdough recipe?

In order to get the full health benefits of sourdough, the dough should be fermented for at least 8 hours. In that time, the “anti-nutrients” in the grains will be neutralized while the vitamin content will be increased. Grains will also be easier to digest (you can read more in Sally Fallon’s book “Nourishing Traditions“.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments!

How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (7)
How to Convert Any Recipe To Sourdough | With Conversions (2024)


What to do if you don't have enough sourdough starter? ›

What if I do not have enough sourdough starter for my recipe? If you need more starter than you currently have, just keep building it up by not removing any starter prior to feeding and feed the starter an equal 1:1:1 ratio until you have the amount you need. It builds quite quickly.

How much sourdough starter is equal to one package of yeast? ›

How much sourdough starter equals a packet of yeast? As a general rule, 100g of sourdough starter can be used to replace one packet of yeast (a packet usually contains 5-7g of commercial yeast).

What happens if you use too much sourdough starter in a recipe? ›

If you have too much starter compared to the additional flour and water you're adding, your hungry starter consumes all the nutrients and then it's not as bubbly.

Is it cheaper to make your own sourdough bread? ›

However, this cost does not include feeding your sourdough starter, your time or labor or the cost of electricity of equipment. So if you look solely at the ingredients, it is cheaper to make your own sourdough. But if you bring other factors into it - it might not be as cheap.

How do you make enough sourdough starter? ›

There is no single best ratio, but I've found a ratio of 1:5:5 fed twice daily at 12-hour intervals to produce a sourdough starter that's strong and healthy. This ratio corresponds to 20% ripe starter carryover, 100% water, and 100% flour (a mix of whole grain rye and white flour) at each feeding.

What is a good substitute for sourdough starter? ›

But what if you're craving that distinctive tang and don't have a sourdough starter on hand? Enter yogurt — the unexpected substitute that can give your bread that familiar zing while creating a unique twist on the classic.

What is the best ratio for sourdough starter? ›

Feed the Starter.

Now, you're going to feed what's left in the jar with equal parts flour & water by weight. I follow the sourdough feeding ratio of 1:1:1 (sourdough starter: flour: water). So, let's continue with our example: You had 120 g of starter and removed half. You now have 60 g of sourdough starter in the jar.

What happens if you mix sourdough starter and yeast? ›

Adding yeast to a sourdough will also increase the rate of fermentation in the dough, relative to one without it. This can be especially useful in a bakery, where timing is everything.

How much active dry yeast equals one package? ›

How many teaspoons are in a packet of yeast? One packet of yeast contains about 2 1/4 teaspoons of yeast. That is 7 grams or 1/4 ounce by weight.

What can ruin a sourdough starter? ›

High Temperatures - preheating your oven with your sourdough starter inside can lead to your starter's demise - but it would have to be completely baked for it to be completely unresponsive to some TLC.

Do you have to discard sourdough starter every time? ›

Although you need an active, well-maintained starter for certain artisan breads, you can still make tasty bread with a sluggish, slow starter so you don't have to discard sourdough starter daily. In fact, many of my favorite sourdough bread recipes use discard for flavoring to give bread that classic tang.

Why do I keep killing my sourdough starter? ›

A warm starter will rise quickly, but it can also collapse quickly because the gluten content breaks down more quickly in warm temperatures. What temperature will kill my starter? If your starter reaches a temperature of 130F/54C, the yeast cells will die off.

Is bread flour or all purpose flour better for sourdough? ›

Can You substitute Bread Flour for All Purpose in Sourdough? Yes, but it's not always an even swap. Flour is a like a sponge. And because all purpose flour absorbs less water than bread flour, you'll need to reduce the total amount of water in a recipe that specifically calls for bread flour.

Is eating homemade sourdough bread healthy? ›

According to some studies, sourdough bread acts as a prebiotic, which means that the fiber in the bread helps feed the “good” bacteria in your intestines. These bacteria are important for maintaining a stable, healthy digestive system. Sourdough is also lower in gluten than other forms of bread.

Is sourdough bread healthier than store bought bread? ›

Sourdough's Health Benefits

Sourdough's long fermentation and rising time leads to changes in the bread that don't occur in conventional yeast-leavened bread. These changes may have health benefits for some people, especially those with certain digestive issues.

How do you fix an underfed sourdough starter? ›

Scoop out 30g of that starter into a fresh, clean jar, add 30g of flour and 30g of water. Stir it up and keep it warm. Your starter will likely recover in a day or two.

What happens if you use less sourdough starter? ›

GENERAL RULE: The less starter you use, the slower your dough will ferment - often resulting in a more sour flavored loaf. And you guessed it..the more starter you use, the faster your dough will ferment - resulting in a less sour loaf. Using less starter in your recipe will help slow down the fermentation process.

How do you feed sourdough starter if you don't have a scale? ›

Take ¼ cup sourdough starter from the refrigerator and add ½ cup flour, and ¼ cup water to a clean glass jar with a loose fitting lid. Give it a stir. Feed the sourdough this way every 12 hours until it is bubbly and active, then it is ready to use.

Can you make a small amount of sourdough starter? ›

Making a small sourdough starter is really quite easy, it's just a case of reducing the amounts of flour and water you use to something you're more comfortable with. I generally suggest using 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of water to create a sourdough starter, however, this can be too much for some home bakers.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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