Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (2024)

Onion juice for hair growth is quite old folk remedies that reached its popularity among women. Losing 50 hairs every day is a natural thing but for certain reasons those numbers may go beyond normal levels. Strict diets, hormonal imbalances or even heredity may contribute much to excessive hair fall.

Many natural remedies are capable of fighting with hair problems and inducing proper hair stimulation. But the most popular remedy is still an onion. Even our grandmothers used to apply onion juice on hair, enhancing metabolic process in deep layers and increasing hair growth.

Dream of growing long and healthy hair turns into reality with following recipes and advice.

Benefits & Effects of Onion Juice for Hair

Onion – a useful vegetable thought to have been used as a food source for millennia. It also used for human rehabilitation in various herbal practices. Allium cepa L. (aka the bulb onion), is the most cultivated species of the genus Allium, which has medicinal properties. It helps the body fight infectious diseases and means to strengthen the immune system. Onion is rich in various vitamins and minerals. Folic acid and citric acid, carotene, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc – this list of nutrients is not complete. Besides, onions juice contains vitamins C, E, and B vitamins.

Hence, hair products based on onion juice, nourishes the follicles, improves blood circulation, and can prevent excessive hair loss. Thus, onion helps hair growth, reduces premature hair graying and may abate dandruff due to bactericidal effect.

In a study published in Journal of Dermatology (“Onion Juice (Allium cepa L.), A New Topical Treatment for Alopecia Areata” by Khalifa E, June 2002), has been proved effectiveness of onion extract on alopecia, better known as hair loss.

Alopecia areata is a patchy, non-scarring hair loss condition. Any hair-bearing surface may be involved, and different modalities of treatment have been used to induce hair re-growth. The study checked the effectiveness of topical crude onion juice in the treatment of patchy alopecia areata in comparison with tap water as placebo. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group (onion-juice treated) consisted of 23 patients, the second group (control) consisted of 15 patients.

The two groups were advised to apply the treatment twice daily for two months. Regrowth of terminal coarse hairs started after two weeks of treatment with crude onion juice. At four weeks, hair re-growth was seen in 17 patients (73.9%), and, at six weeks, the hair re-growth was observed in 20 patients (86.9%) and was significantly higher among males (93.7%) compared to females (71.4%).

Placebo group showed nearly no changes in hair re-growth at 8 weeks of treatment. As a result, the author of study showed that the use of crude onion juice gave significantly high result in restoring healthy hair condition and succeeded to stop patchy alopecia.

All in all onion juice application on hair and scalp, in some cases may help to eliminate several issues:

  • Weakened hair
  • Partial balding, rare hair
  • Dandruff
  • Excessively oily or dry tresses
  • Slow hair growth
  • Faded natural color
  • Damaged hair (after coloring process, perm)

Don’t expect positive results after first application. Be ready that it will take several weeks before you will see changes in hair. This is a natural remedy and isn’t loaded with harsh, lab-created chemicals. It implies that natural treatment works by delivering all organic components to deeper layers of scalp. But to get optimal results of its activity, you might repeat the procedure regularly up to eight weeks.

Onion Juice Benefits for Grey Hair

Nowadays herbal medicines suggest using onion juice in pure form or in combination with other organic ingredients as a remedy for grey hair and excessive hair loss. In 16th century well-known herbalist, John Gerard pointed out that onion juice applied upon bald patches can help regrow hair. He wrote: “The juyce of onions anointed upon a bald head in the sun bringeth the hair again very speedily”. Since those times, onion is used in hair care and has positive feedback.

Due to the content of enzyme Catalase onion has always been an effective remedy for premature grey hair prevention. Research has shown that grey hair is provoked by a build up of Hydrogen Peroxide and a decrease of natural antioxidant Catalase. When a build up of Hydrogen Peroxide appears at the hair follicles, it becomes a reason of oxidative stress and results in greying and thinning of hair.

How Does Onion Help in Hair Growth?

In the fifteenth century, the Ayurveda or the herbalists praised onion in different scriptures or in various discourses. They used to emphasize that onion extraction is very effective for restoration of thickness and color of the gray hair.

Onion perfectly cares for the hair, not only reinforcing the hair roots, but also promoting their active saturation with all the nutrients that are abundant in onions.

Medicinal properties of onion are provided with certain compounds and elements.

  • Organic acids (lemon and apple acid) help repair damaged cells.
  • Potassium hydrates scalp.
  • Ascorbic acid – makes the blood run faster, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen delivered by the blood to the hair follicles – so it improves cellular respiration, activated once stilled or disturbed metabolism. Rise collagen production, responsible for the elasticity of hair structure.
  • Biotin treats damaged hair; improves the condition of dull and brittle hair, preventing split ends.
  • Niacin strengthens hair follicles.
  • Trace elements act as building material for the structure of the hair and scalp cells (calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur). Deficiency of these nutrients leads to serious problems with health.
  • Essential oils – possess anti-microbial, antiseptic and germicidal effect.
  • Phytoncide – biologically active elements with germicidal properties. Helps prevent seborrhea and dandruff.
  • Glycoside – organic compounds which enhance blood circulation and provide hair follicles with oxygen.
  • Quercetin (vitamin P) – possesses anti-inflammatory effect, strong antioxidant.

Is Sulfur Good for Hair?
Onions are rich in sulfur known as “beauty mineral”. Dermatological studies show that sulfur is important for hair as referred to one of the building substance of it. Our hair consists of keratin – durable protein high in sulfur. To provide hair with shape, health and elasticity, keratin is essential. Moreover, scientific reports proving sulfur effectiveness for hair growth. As we know, life cycle of hair is divided into 3 stages: growing, resting and shedding. Sulfur helps to prolong the phase of growing, thus, saving the hair length. In the last, sulfur therapy is good for eliminating symptoms of psoriasis, dandruff and eczema.
As we see, onion cares for the hair. Not only reinforcing the follicles but also promoting hair active saturation with nutrients that are abundant in onions.

But the action mechanism of crude onion juice in the treatment of alopecia areata is difficult to explain. Scientific reports show that onion extract can inhibit skin allergic reactions, suggesting that onion juice may induce an immunological reaction (as a mild form of dermatitis) which leads to hair re-growth stimulation through antigenic competition.

So, complex working on the damaged follicles, onion juice for hair growth can be an ideal tool for regular use.

Contraindications in Using Onion Mask for Hair

Any person who decides to use onion mask might have a question whether this natural remedy will cause a serious side effect. It is important to take into account particular situations under which onion masks should be applied with caution:

  • Individual intolerance: onion can induce allergic contact dermatitis in some individuals. If your case – avoid using onion mask.
  • Irritation or inflammation of scalp: onions belong to the genus Allium. They are rich in sulfur and phenolic compounds known to be skin irritants. In more serious cases onion may cause an irritant contact dermatitis.
  • Increased sensitivity: application of onion mask on the tender skin may cause flaking, itching or strong burning sensation.

Before applying any mask, first you need to test it on a small area of skin arm. Since possible for this combination of products or a single part to provoke strong allergic reaction. If you feel a burning sensation and excessive scratching, keep away from using onion juice on scalp.

How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Regrowth?

The absence of absolute contraindications allows using onion masks for any hair without exception.

Common question is: how often to use onion juice for hair loss? Onion mixture is suitable for everyday use. Forty procedures (course of applying onion mask within 2-3 months) give stable results in a short time. For prevention, onion applications every week are possible.

After the stipulated period, you might get thicker and longer hair. If no such result achieved, then you probably will have healthy scalp due to anti-oxidant benefits of onion juice. Remember, onion hair treatment is no wasting time!

Our grandmothers worked out particular recommendations to use onion masks in a proper way:

  • Apply onion mask on scalp preventing it from getting on hair. But still recipes imply usage of onion on the whole hair length.
  • There is no need to wash hair before applying onion. The reason is a natural oily film on the scalp which reduces all possible aggressive exposure of mask components.
  • Cover head with shower cap and towel after application to make onion masks more effective. Enhanced warmth provides better penetration of nutrients into scalp.
  • Leaving mask on the head for 30-60 minutes is enough. In case of skin irritation and itching better wash away the blend.
  • Rinse hair with lukewarm or cool water. If necessary use organic shampoo.

Duration of mask application depends upon its ingredients and particular hair type.

How to Make Onion Juice Right. The Basics

Preparing onion juice is a piece of cake. Enough amounts of onion, fine grater, sieve cloth, some physical work and you have fresh liquid for your beauty procedures.

First, peel one or two onion bulbs. Wash them properly, dry with paper towel. Take some precaution: all process with onion will affect your eyes and make your tears come up.

If you use a grater, don’t cut the onion into pieces. Keep bulbs dry; otherwise, pieces will slip out from hands and grating will turn into a nightmare.

Grate onion using the fine side of the grater. Place a bowl under the grater and collect the onion pulp and juice.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (1)

When you have enough grated mixture, it’s time to separate the juice from the pulp through the strainer.

Take several layers of cheese cloths and put onion pulp in the center.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (2)

Grab the ends of cheese cloths and squeeze the pulp to drain out the juice. Make sure there are no onion chunks in liquid, only pure juice, otherwise, it will leave a strong smell in your hair.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (3)

You can prepare onion juice and keep it in the fridge. Maximum shelf life is 2-3 days, after that you need to prepare another fresh portion.

Blender or juicer also do work great.

Use of Onion Juice for Hair: Recipes & Benefits

Onion components are able to deeply nourish hair cuticles. Additionally with organic ingredients such as coconut oil and raw honey the hair mask makes strands smooth and shiny.

Plain Onion Juice Mask for Hair Straightening

What You Need:

  • Pure onion juice
  • Castor oil (in case of dry hair)

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice.
  2. Take a cotton ball and dip it into the resulting mixture and apply on hair roots.
  3. Cover head with plastic bag and leave it on for 30 minutes (for dry hair). In case of normal or oily hair, leave mask for 1 hour.

Why we use castor oil? Castor oil has nourishing properties and gives hair a healthy look.

Onion & Yeast Hair Mask

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Yeast 1 tbsp
  • Castor Oil
  • Hot water 2 tbsp

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice.
  2. Add other ingredients and mix well.
  3. Let the mask sit for 10 minutes in warm place.
  4. Gently rub the blend into scalp and place a shower cap on.
  5. After one hour wash it off with lukewarm water using shampoo.

Onion & Lemon Hair Mask

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Carrot juice
  • Yeast 1 tbsp
  • Hot water 2 tbsp

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice.
  2. Mix vegetable juices in equal parts, add oils and other components.
  3. Let the mask sit for 10 minutes in warm place.
  4. Apply the blend on hair roots with gentle circular movements and leave it on for 1 hour.
  5. To wash it off use any organic shampoo.

Onion Mask for Hair Growth. Dry and Normal Hair

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Raw honey 1 tbsp
  • Yogurt 2-3 tbsp
  • Sour cream 1 tbsp
  • Base oil (olive, almond, castor or burdock oil) 1 tbsp

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and rub into the scalp.
  3. Leave the mask on for 40-60 minutes and wash it off with shampoo.
  4. Apply 1-2 times a week for better results.

Onion Juice & Honey Mask

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Raw honey 2 tbsp
  • Castor oil 1 tbsp

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice.
  2. Mix all ingredients until you get a smooth mass.
  3. Apply on damp hair either before shampooing or after and rub gently into scalp.
  4. Put a shower cap on and leave the mask on head for one hour.
  5. Wash off with your favorite shampoo and let it dry naturally.

Onion Juice & Garlic Hair Loss Remedy

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Garlic 4-5 cloves
  • Brandy 2 tbsp
  • 1 egg yolk

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice
  2. Grate garlic cloves into a mass and add other ingredients.
  3. Mix well and apply the mask on scalp with circular movements using only fingertips.
  4. Leave the mixture on for 30 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.

Garlic mixed with onion works great. Two vegetables stimulate blood flow to the scalp, nourishing the hair, and encouraging hair to grow and strengthen. It is an effective natural remedy for weakened hair. Garlic juice removes harmful toxins and prevents excessive hair loss. If you have dry hair or itchy scalp (provoked by dandruff), garlic extract applied on the scalp will give you relief from nasty symptoms.

Onion Juice & Sea Salt for Growing Hair

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Sea salt 1 tbsp
  • Brandy 1 tbsp
  • Honey 2 tbsp

How To Use:

  1. Prepare basic onion juice
  2. Add other ingredients, make sure sea salt grains dissolve in the mass. Or you can dissolve salt in small amount of hot water before mixing mask ingredients.
  3. Massage the hair solution into your scalp or cover the bald patches.
  4. Leave on for at least 15 minutes (longer, if you can tolerate the smell and don’t have strong burning sensation).
  5. Wash out using an organic shampoo.

There are also other inspiring recipes with sea salt as a base component for hair regrowth. Read & learn more in my special post – Salt Scrub for Scalp. Treatment and Fast Hair Growth

Onion Juice Mask for Baldness

What You Need:

  • Onion juice
  • Lemon juice 3 tbsp
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Honey 2 tbsp

How To Use:

  1. In a bowl, mix equal parts of lemon juice and onion.
  2. Combine with other ingredients and massage into the scalp. If you have bald patches, make the mixture a bit thicker by adding honey or glycerin.
  3. Wrap your head with warm towel and leave it on for one hour.
  4. Afterwards, wash your hair with shampoo.

This onion mask helps keep the scalp clean and hair roots unclogged due to its antifungal and antimicrobial benefits. It is a common knowledge that main reason for baldness is genetic sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Research proved that onions provide hair roots with necessary nutrients which have been blocked by DHT. Vitamin deficiency from the unhealthy or strict diet is another reason of baldness.

Onion & Brandy Extract for Alopecia

What You Need:

  • 1 onion
  • Brandy or Cognac 50 ml

How To Use:

  1. Chop the onion into small pieces; don’t smashed into gruel
  2. Take glass jar with tight lid and place the chopped onions. Add brandy. Left concoction overnight.
  3. Next day take out the onion, strain the mixture, and use it on your scalp.
  4. Rinse with shampoo and warm water.

When To Use:
This treatment should be used once a week.
Caution: The alcohol can dry out your hair. Therefore, don’t apply this potion more than once a week.

Onion-Brandy mask is for the people who want to use onion without getting the smell from it.

Onion Juice with Coconut oil for Hair

What You Need:

  • Onion juice 1 tbsp
  • Coconut oil 2 tbsp
  • A few drops of an essential oil of your choice (optional)

How To Use:

  1. Mix the onion juice with the coconut oil.
  2. Add the essential oil to the concoction. This step is optional but essential oils help mask the strong odor of the onion.
  3. Apply mask on the hair strands avoiding the scalp. Keep for 1 hour.
  4. Rinse off with a mild shampoo and warm water.

Onion Peel Decoction for Graying Hair

What You Need:

  • Onion peel
  • Clear water – 300 ml
  • Birch leaves (optional)

How To Use:

  1. Simmer a handful of onion peels in water for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain and cool onion decoction.
  3. Rub gently the resulting liquid into scalp and massage for 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse hair with cool water.

Apply the onion peel mask 2-3 times a week. It is a natural remedy for seborrhea – using onion peels brew will keep your hair dandruff free, healthy and thick.For better results you may add 1 tablespoon of birch leaves to onion peels.

Onion Peel Mask to Cure Graying Hair

What You Need:

  • Onion peel
  • Clear water – 300 ml
  • Oak leaves or oak bark – 1 tablespoon

How To Use:

  1. Combine onion peels with oak leaves together, pour with clean water and bring it to a boil.
  2. Simmer the liquid for one hour.
  3. Let the mixture cool down and pour it into small bottle.
  4. Use herbal decoction to rub into scalp for 2-3 weeks.
  5. Keep the liquid in the fridge and make it warm before application.

The onion mask is perfect for alopecia treatment and strengthening hair.

Tips for Onion Treatment

Onion juice application on skin has shown inspiring results, but the odor may prevent many people from using this approach to fighting hair fall. To eliminate odor follow advice:

  • Wash your hair with cool or lukewarm water as hot water increase the smell.
  • Rinse hair using infusions of herbs (chamomile, burdock, nettle), a solution of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.
  • Add lemon juice or banana puree into onion mask.
  • To get rid of the odor, you can add essential oils of rosemary, tea tree oil, lavender, ylang-ylang or orange into the mixture. Few drops will be enough.
  • If you still feel onion smell after washing off the mask, then rinse your hair with apple vinegar diluted with water (in proportion 1:2) or citrus juice – orange, lemon or grapefruit 2 tablespoons for 1 liter of clean water.
  • After removing onion mask from hair, use parsley decoction to rinse your hair.
  • Remember to filter onion juice before usage because onion chunks left on hair will add odor.
  • Follow certain rules in onion mask application: if recipe allows usage of onion on the hair length – then leave the mixture on hair. If exist a recommendation to apply the mask on scalp only then massage the blend into hair roots.

To summarize, products in the list below effectively prevent and diminish onion smell. Find suitable for you variant and use it to make onion treatment pleasant:

  • Banana pulp
  • Essential oils
    • Rosemary
    • Tea Tree
    • Lavender
    • Ylang-Ylang
    • Orange
    • Lemon, grapefruit
    • Cedar
  • Citrus juice
    • Orange
    • Lemon
  • Coffee (as a mask)
  • Kefir or yogurt
  • Apple vinegar
  • Herbs infusions
    • Chamomile
    • Burdock
    • Parsley
    • Nettle

Onion smell remains longer in hair with porous structure. Accordingly, women with curly or red hair must be very careful in application of onion mask. Dyed hair keeps onion smell for long time as well.

Anyway, if onion smell still frightens you, then try another approach in hair treatment – Hair Mask with Brandy or Sea Salt Masks

Onion Mask Hair Growth. Before and After

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (4)

And another onion treatment session:
Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (5)

Review and Opinion. Success Stories of Hair Regrowth with Onion

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (6)Lynette Mcdonald, 32
For my whole life, I tried different ways and methods to enhance hair growth and improve its structure. I can say with probity, nothing helped so much as onion mask. For the past year, I’ve been growing my hair longer and cutting off split ends sometimes. I used to apply onion masks for 2 weeks but results really shocked me! My favorite recipe is the following: 2 tablespoons of olive oil, juice from 1 onion bulb, 10 drops of rosemary and cinnamon oil both.

I use a syringe without a needle to apply the blend on hair roots (it is a convenient way) and rub it into scalp. To get rid of onion smell, I rinse my hair with vinegar or lemon juice solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). The smell disappears completely after second washing. Sometimes I prefer to apply yogurt mask on hair – then my hair doesn’t have onion odor at all! A long time ago my hair growth speed was about 1 cm per month, now it is already 2 cm. I feel happy!

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (7)Nicole, 26
To be honest, during the first week I applied onion mask on hair regularly driven with curiosity. To prepare homemade remedy I used 2-3 onion bulbs and grated them into a paste. After that, I squeezed juice and rubbed it into hair roots. Sometimes I added some drops of any essential oil. But in most cases I applied only pure onion juice and place a shower cap on wrapping head with a warm towel. I let the mask sit on hair for 1-1.5 hour. Next, I rubbed colorless henna mixture into hair – and another hour to let my hair sit in the blend. What was more surprising for me is that after 2 weeks I measured the length of my hair and found out it grew up to 5 cm! I decided to continue this experiment with regular onion application.

Whether the onion mask contributed much to hair growth or not – the answer to this question is expected. As for hair strengthening, I didn’t notice any changes. My personal experience proved that for that purpose garlic mask is more effective.

I suggest those who wish to grow longer hair should use onion mask – really worth trying! Don’t feel embarrassed about onion odor, odor vanishes by simple trick – apply colorless henna on hair and let it sit for 30 minutes or longer. Girls, don’t be lazy, try onion juice to make your hair healthy!

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (8)Charlotte Doyle, 19
I applied onion mask on hair several times (onion paste + burdock oil and egg yolk). I cannot say anything about hair growth improvement but they became stronger significantly. As for onion odor, well, it remains in my hair till the next washing. Frankly, no one feels that smell except me. Seems, it depends on hair structure.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (9)Kate D, 20
This is my 17th onion mask to apply on hair. I do this procedure every day except weekends. For two weeks my hair is 2 cm longer, they are so lustrous and soft! At the beginning of my experiments with onion masks smell bothered me a lot.

I worked out certain rules to apply onion mask in the proper way: first, I add enough honey to dilute onion juice and few drops of lemon essential oil and rub the blend into hair roots leaving it on for one hour or even longer. Wash it off without using shampoo but applying henna combined with coffee on damp hair. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash it off again. Cleansing hair with shampoo at this stage is unnecessary – henna makes hair fresh enough. Even if you still feel that onion smell in hair, then add few drops of orange essential oil on comb and detangle your hair with it.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (10)Janice Fuller, 29
I used to apply onion mask every day within two months. I noticed none changes in hair growth but as for new hair regrowth – that was too obvious. Tiny short hairs covered my head. Onion smell was disgusting!

I have dyed blonde hair so it penetrated that smell easily. Guess, it remained in my hair for 3 months, but anyway wasn’t too strong. Also heard that henna may help to get rid of it – for me, I don’t know why that trick didn’t work.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (11)Sherry, 20
For me, only one application of onion juice on my hair was enough to leave pesky smell for the whole week! I regret much as couldn’t remove onion odor so easily. Instead of that, I decided to use mustard hair mask which I consider the most effective one.

My recipe is like this: combine all ingredients – 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of hot water and 1 tablespoon of olive oil – stir them well. Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes. If you can endure burning sensation – you can prolong time but be careful with that. Anyway, feeling “hot” on the scalp is quite a normal, it means that blood circulation is enhanced and thus, it will improve hair growth. Repeat the procedure three times a week to notice amazing changes of your hair!

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (12)Felicia S., 22
I do onion mask in the following way: I mash 2 onion bulbs with a blender and add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir together. Apply the resulting mixture on the scalp and cover my head with plastic cap and a warm towel on it. Leave the mask on for 1 hour and wash away with my organic shampoo.

The result was stunning: after third application, I solved the problem of excessive hair loss. Recently I try to repeat procedure more often – almost every day. I like to add other ingredients to the mixture like banana, egg yolk or avocado. I enjoy the way my hair looks after onion mask – thicker and stronger, for sure. For the past month, my hair changed significantly, they used to be thin and weakened but now they are so shiny and grow faster. Even my friends noticed that. As for onion odor, I don’t feel it. After first application it was noticeable but in the following procedures, it disappears quickly.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (13)Ebony, 35
I applied onion on hair more than 10 times and already stopped using mask a month ago. Smell! … it remains in my hair and becomes stronger once my hair gets wet. After several applications onion helped to prevent hair fall and, seems, promoted faster hair growth. Nevertheless, this natural remedy has its disadvantages: first, smell will cover your hair and stay for long time. You may have wonderful effect on hair but effect lasts as long as you use onion on hair. My advice to get rid of onion odor is to rinse hair with vinegar solution – it really works! Bed smell not a problem. Even my boyfriend doesn’t mind I smell onion because he knows everything I do for my hair is to make them healthy and even more beautiful.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (14)Muriel H, 27
In my childhood, I used to have rare hair with bald patches. My parents consulted most dermatologists but none of them could help. Those times I visited my grandma regularly and once she applied onion mask on scalp, she did that procedure almost every day replacing it with garlic sometimes. Bald patches disappeared and that fact made all my relatives wonder how it happened so. Now I cannot say that my hair is super heavy and shiny (during adolescence I dyed it several times, my fault). Undoubtedly true, onion really works! I used to apply pure onion juice on scalp and leave it on for 1 hour.

Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (15)Blanche Gonzales, 66
I’m 66. Hair dyed and weakened. Hair loss is my permanent problem, annoyed me very much. So I decided to go bald. At the same time applied onion masks every day. So, what I can say about results – they shocked me! After 5 weeks I have hair 2.5 cm long. They look much stronger and thicker.


  • K. E. Sharquie and H. K. Al-Obaidi, “Onion juice (Allium cepa L.), a new topical treatment for alopecia areata”, The Journal of Dermatology, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 343–346, 2002.
  • Dorsch W, Ring J, “Suppression of immediate and late anti-IgE induced skin reactions by topically applied alcohol/onion extract”, Allergy, 1984
  • Happle R, “Antigenic competition as a therapeutic concept for alopecia areata”, Arch Dermatol Res, 1980
  • Middleton E, “The flavonoids trends in pharmacological sciences (TIPS)”, 1984
Onion Juice Mask. Hair Regrowth & Treatment. Best Recipes (2024)


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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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