Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (2024)

Immediately after Saving the last of the worlds of the past, a door will open in the back of the area with the altars. This leads to the altar for Dragon Quest XI, and a series of boss battles of increasing difficulty. If you are level 99 and outfitted as described in the 'crafting' tab, you should have no trouble blasting through the first couple of boss battles. Approach the altar and then walk forward to fight Lord Dragon, Wyrmaloth, and Zomaiden. These three are based on the bosses in Dragon Quest 1, 2 and 3.

Lord Dragon HP 5,500 MP 673 Attack 480 Defense 400 Agility 180
He's resistant to all elements (25%) and light (25%) He's especially strong vs. Zap (75%) Just sword attack him to death

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Wymaloth HP 3,000 MP 620 Attack 450 Defense 425 Agility 240
He can cast fulheal, so take out Wymaloth first and fast. He can protect himself from magic attacks. He's very weak to zap (-110%)

Zomaiden HP 5,500 MP 673, Attack 480 Defense 400 Agility 180.
Weak to fire (-110%) and light (-125%) Knows Disruptive wave. She can trap a party member in her cage for a few turns.

If you thought Calasmos was easy, you should have no trouble here. Use the same strategy of Hero, Hendrick, Serena, and Jade or Eric. Use your pep powers are soon as they become available, since at least Zomaiden knows how to remove Pep. Kill Wymaloth fast, Then Zomaiden, then Lord Dragon. If Zomaiden traps Serena, switch Jade or Eric for Rab to keep healing. Lord Dragon will drop the Rainbow Drop which has a 35% chance to make spells cost zero mp. It doesn't work with Veronica's magic burst. You could give this to Serena.

Leave, sleep at an inn, and return to the altar of XI to face another 3 foes: Psaroid, Nimclops, Mortamammoth based on bosses from Dragon quest 4, 5 and 6.

Psaroid HP 6000 MP 673 Attack 480 Defense 520 Agility 100
He has high defense and high resistances. He has no resistance to stat-weakening affects and only 50% vs Dazzle. Watch out for him casting whack or Disruptive wave

Nimclops HP 6000 MP 673 Attack 480 Defense 520 Agility 100
Has no resistance to Fire, ice, wind, and is weak to light (-125%) Hits pretty hard.

Mortamammoth HP 6000, MP 725 Attack 550 Defense 500 Agility 260
He knows Magic Burst! He can put the party to sleep. No resistance to fire, some resistance to nearly everything else.

This fight is all about killing Mortamammoth before he uses Magic Burst or puts someone to sleep. Once he's dead, the same strategy you've used before will work. Use Pep powers as soon as they come up again. Nimclops drops the War Drum, which you should put in Serena's inventory. Use it when she has nothing better to do. It gives the active party an attack boost.

Sleep at an inn and return to the altar to face two baddies, Orgodelotl and Hoopthorne, based on bosses from Dragon quest 7 and 8.

Orgodelotl HP 6000 MP 778 Attack 570 Defense 400 Agility 150
Knows Disruptive wave. Almost no elemental resistances. Hits hard

Hoopthorne HP 6000 MP 778 Attack 420 Defense 700 Agility 280
Can put your party to sleep or dancing. Weak to Ice (-110%) Light (-110%) and Zap (-110%) Very durable.

When you kill one of these guys, the other one will move three times as often. It is recommended that you try to kill them both at the same time, then. HoopThorne is really annoying, however, so I killed him as fast as I could, then just tanked Orgodelotl. Try to end the battle with your health high and free of status effects, because a new battle will immediately start with Hunkorvus and Nelgelas, based on the bosses of Dragon quest 9 and 10.

Hunkorvus HP 8,000 MP 778 Attack 570 Defense 500 Agility 300
He's a Hard hitter and sometimes dazzles your party. Always acts twice, but goes up to thrice if Negelas is dead

Nelgelas HP 12,000 MP 778 Attack 570 Defense 339 Agility 150
He knows disruptive wave and a special insta-kill move. Will act Thrice if Hunkorvus is dead.

You can't let Hunkorvus die first. This fight is much easier if Negelas dies first. Use your Pep powers as soon as they come up. After finishing these two, you'll get the Godbird Sceptre and the Crimson Catsuit. Equip the Sceptre on Veronica, and count the crimson catsuit towards the list below. You still have to return to this altar to beat the End of Time, a much harder and 2D version of Calasmos. He's considered a secret super boss.

End of Time HP 15,000 MP 999 Attack 700 Defense 770 Agility 320
The End of Time is Calasmos on supercharge. He can't summon darklings, but he has just about every other power of Calasmos, but better. This includes disruptive wave, so don't save those pep powers. If he goes for the big fireball, have Serena use Grace of the goddess and then hymn of fire. Your party should survive. He can also freeze time, which will probably kill the character he brings with him or put the party to sleep. As with Calasmos, I didn't bother with attacking his arms, I just went for the head. There's no need to use the super sword of light this time, either. Remember that the supreme Sword of light can cure negative status effects when used as an item.

Once you beat the End of Time, you won't get anything special, but a hole in the sky will open up over Erdrea, behind the world tree. Pep up Hero, Hendrick, Veronica and Serena.

This is the gear I used to beat the final boss.

Hero: Supreme Sword of Light +2 (Forged as part of Act III)
Soul Sucker +1 (The shield you get for turning in 100 mini medals is better. See Act III for info on farming mini medals.)
Erdwin's Coronet +1 (Found in a chest on the third floor of the Luminary's Trial)
Erdwin's Tunic +3 (Found in a chest behind a giant door with a red sigil located on the first floor of Luminary's Trial)
Catholicon Ring +3 (Recipe found in the Disciple’s Trial- Cruel Crypt, lower area, behind a door)
Catholicon Ring +3 (Seriously, these are essential)
10 Pep pops (Purchase in Rebuilt Cobblestone)

Hendrick: Berserker's Blade +2 (Purchased in Cobblestone once it's rebuilt, not essential, a shield might be better)
Drustan's Helm +3 (Disciple’s Trial- Eerie Valley, near where the entrance was on the original map)
Drustan's Armor +1 (Found in a chest behind a giant door with a red sigil located on the first floor of Luminary's Trial)
Catholicon Ring +3
Catholicon Ring +3
4 pep pops
4 Elfin Elixir (won in the Octagonia Casino)

Veronica: Godbird Sceptre (Received above for beating Hunkorvus and Neglas)
Crown of Eternity +3 (Hoarder's keep in the Trial of the Sage)
Grown of Eternity (Hoarder's keep in the Trial of the Sage)
Rainbow Drop +2 (Received above, Another Catholicon Ring would also be good)
Catholicon Ring +3
4 pep pops
4 Elfin Elixir

Serena: Sceptre of Time +1 (Recipe Found on the 4th floor of the Luminary's Trial Requires Rusty Sceptre from a man in Arboria)
Devilry Drinker +1 (See 'Casino and Leveling' page)
Serenica's Circlet +2 (Fierce Forest area of the Sage's Trial)
Serenica's Surplice +2 (Found in a chest behind a giant door with a red sigil located on the first floor of Luminary's Trial)
Catholicon Ring +3
Care Riviere +3 (Chest in Gondolia, North Central area, on the lower level. Another Catholicon Ring would be a better choice)
2 pep pops
12 Elfin Elixir

Use the Calamus Flute to summon Cetacea and fly into the hole. Here, you will fight the TimeWrym and its tail.

TimeWyrm HP 20,000 MP Infinite Attack 800 Defense 500 Agility 280
TimeWyrm's Tail HP 20,000 MP Infinite Attack 999 Defense 700 Agility 500

This will be hard, and depend on random action order. The keys are to keep Yggdragon's Blessing Pep move up at all times. This makes the party invulnerable for 3 turns. Veronica uses magic burst to deal about 2250 damage to all enemies and Serenica feeds her Elfin Elixirs to keep going. So you should follow a pattern:

Hero uses Pep pop, Hendrick uses Yggdragon's Blessing, Veronica uses Magic Burst, Serena uses Elfin Elixir on Veronica.

It's not a guaranteed win, however. TimeWyrm might drop one of your heroes before you have a chance to use Yggdragon's Blessing. The tail could bite down on two heroes and prevent them from moving. TimeWyrm might confuse or put heroes to sleep (use the supreme sword of light to fix them) TimeWyrm will fire off disruptive wave and remove both pep and blessing at once, requiring you to take two actions before being invulnerable again. It took me eight tries using this method to defeat Timewyrm. The battle is fought in 3 stages, in stage one, the tail will be near you and the head away. Once the tail has taken enough damage, it will fire disruptive wave and switch out for the head. You'll have to rebuff and fight the head. Once it's taken enough damage, both tail and head will fight at once. You must defeat both head and tail at the same time, or the remaining one will go into a super difficult mode, firing disruptive wave and killing party members in one turn.

The Head will sometimes spray mist that increases MP costs. In stage three, keep firing Veronica's magic burst, despite this. In stage two, switch to casting Kacrack (The head is weak to ice) with her until it disappears. Other than that, just keep to the pattern and restore Yggdragon's Blessing before it runs out. When you defeat Timewyrm, you'll receive Jade's Hare-raising outfit and the sands of lost time, which let you fight Timewyrm again.

Now, the outfits. I've pointed out where to get them as we went through the game, but here's the list in the order the game presents them.


Cobblestone's Finest - Once you rebuild cobblestone, go to the hero's home (bed symbol on map) and search the wardrobe

The Fugitive - In the Gallopolis Church, in a wardrobe

The Savior of the Sands - Rewarded for winning the silver horse race in Gallopolis on easy

The Drasilian - The recipe is found in the ruins of Dundrasil, past the well.

Daddy's Boy - See 'Act III' Page. This is found in the ruins of Dundrasil

The Parade Participant - unmissible in Act II, when you meet Sylvando.

The Luminary of Legend - Found in the Sage's trial.

Hotto Stuff - Return to Hotto at the end of Act II or the end of Act III. You can then purchase this in the armor shop.

The Trodain - Press Y anytime to bring up the menu, then choose Misc, then system settings, then claim special rewards.


The Swindler - See immediately below

Spiky Swindler - For this and the swindler, you have to complete a sidequest west of the casino in Puerto Valor.

The Swindler King - Once you have the white key, go down into Heliodor dungeons.

Spiky Swindler King - Once you have the white key, go down into Heliodor dungeons.

The Corsair - The cap comes from a story fight in Act II, and the outfit is purchased in the weapon shop in Nautica. (you have to turn into a fish)

Coarse-Haired Corsair - The cap comes from a story fight in Act II, and the outfit is purchased in the weapon shop in Nautica. (you have to turn into a fish)

The Pirate King - The Hat is for rescuing Kai on the Strand in Act III, and the coat is purchased in rebuilt Cobblestone.

Prickly Pirate King - The Hat is for rescuing Kai on the Strand in Act III, and the coat is purchased in rebuilt Cobblestone.

The Stone-Cold Killer - Found on Insula Centralis,


The Hip-Shaker - Purchased in Gallopolis armor shop for 1200 GP.

The Light Fantastic - once you've finished the quest at Quester's Rest, buy the Divine Dancer's Costume for 52,000 gold

The Dotty Number - Talk to a masked man after the Puerto Valor Bridge in Act I, or above the casino, later.

The Medal Maniac - Reward for turning it 25 mini medals.

The Mega Medal Maniac - Once you've finished the quest at Quester's Rest, buy the Mega Medal Maniac Costume for 52,000 gold

The Saint - Found on the battleground Turn left from the place in the picture

The Sacred Sorceress - Found on the island in the southwest.

The Serenica - The hat is in Trial two, and the dress is in Trial Three

Skintight in Scarlet - Reward for defeating Hunkorvus and Nelgelas above.

The Mischief-Maker - In a chest near the mural in Havens above.

Ring of Changes - After completing one of the trials in Act III, ask to change Serena's hair.


The Kitty Cat - Purchased in Gondolia.

The Black Cat - Once you've finished the quest at Quester's Rest, buy the Black Cat costume for 52,000 gold and the Black Cat Hat for 32,000 gold

The Piglet - Press Y anytime to bring up the menu, then choose Misc, then system settings, then claim special rewards

The Spotty Sorceress - Talk to a masked man after the Puerto Valor Bridge in Act I, or above the casino, later.

The Medal Maniac - Reward for turning it 25 mini medals.

The Mega Medal Maniac - Once you've finished the quest at Quester's Rest, buy the Mega Medal Maniac Costume for 52,000 gold

The Flapping Fairy - After rescuing them in Act III, talk to Sinderella and Whambelina in the Octagonia casino.

The High Priestess - Recipe is in the second Trial.

The Goody Two-Shoes - In a chest near the mural in Havens above.


The Head-Turner - Recipe is the reward for a quest near the inn in Octagonia.

Even Suaver Sylv - After rescuing him in Act III, talk to Golden boy in the Octagonia Casino.

The Parade Participant - Story related

The Parade Master - If you miss it in the story, you can purchase it in the Octagonia Casino.

The Superstar - Recipe is the reward for a quest near the entrance to the mini medal academy.

The Stunner - Recipe is given after turning in 90 mini medals.

The Don - When you defeat Tweedledoom and Tweedledeath using Executioner, Hendrick and Sylvando will unlock a bunch of skills. Zoom back to Puerto Valor and talk to Servantes to get an outfit for Sylvando.


The Sun Lord - Recipe is given after turning in 30 mini medals.

The King of the World Tree - Found in the sage's trial

The Sun King - Recipe is given for the third Wheel of Harma trial in any number of moves

The Sun God - Recipe is given for completing the final Wheel of Harma trial in under 40 moves

The Grandest Master - Next to Rab in Act II in Mount Pai Lang - Summit.


The Bunny - Purchased in the Puerta Valor Casino.

The Hare-Raiser - You got this one for defeating Timewyrm above

The Medal Maniac - Reward for turning it 25 mini medals.

The Mega Medal Maniac - Once you've finished the quest at Quester's Rest, buy the Mega Medal Maniac Costume for 52,000 gold

The Swimmer - Purchased in the Octagonia casino

The Slinky Swimmer - Purchased in the Octagonia casino

The Warrior Princess - Go to the item shop in Angri-La and buy the Battle Dress

The Minerva - Recipe is behind a white gate in the battleground

The Divine - Haggle with two brother in Gondolia to buy this outfit.

The Xenlon - Recipe is given for completing the fourth Wheel of Harma in under 20 moves.

The Scarlet Slayer - Purchase the Battle Dress from the shop in Angri-La


The General - Recipe is in a chest in the fortress of fear during act two.

The Field Marshal - Behind a white gate in the cryptic crypt.

The Warrior King - Find Dustan's helm and armor. The helm is in the first trial and the armor is in the third trial.

The Heliodorian - Storyline.

The Unswerving Companion - Defeat Jasper's spirit in Act III.

Having all of these will earn you

  • Dedicated Follower of Fashion

    Awarded for collecting all appearance-altering equipment.

    Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (18)

    1 guideGuide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (19)Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (20)Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (21)Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (22)

Which should be the last achievement you need for

  • Living Legend

    Awarded for earning all available achievements.

    Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (23)

    Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (24)Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (25)Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (26)Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (27)

8. Saving the Tockles

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Guide for DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (2024)


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.